IVR System Niche Tech Solution

CallTracker : Call Tracking

Did you know, more than 99% of business owners have no access to records of the Phone Calls their business receive? Are you one of them?

Do you want to know where calls to your business are coming from? What ad sources are providing you a good return on investment? Whether it's websites, billboards, TV, radio, or print ads Call Tracker can help you see which ones are working for your business. Have instant access to view reports that show you how much your leads are costing you, where your customers are calling from, how many positive leads an ad generated and much more!

Call Tracker stores all the details from every call you receive, 24-7, and can be viewed in web based reporting panel or even could be integrated with your own CRM.

Call Tracker's dynamic reporting capabilities allow you to analyze every aspect of your telephone traffic. Call Tracker reports allow you to track your calls based on advertising ROI, advertising source, caller zip code, length of call, time of day, and more. If it is important to your business, Call Tracker reports will provide you with the information you need to improve the way your business communicates